Sunday, February 10, 2008

Constant As The North Star

{A song of Gordon B. Hinkley}
Written By Cheryl Boyer Hansen

When President Hinkley was a boy,
he slept outside for fun.
He noticed all the stars would move,
except for one.


Discourged while in the mission field,
he read these words from home;
"Forget yourself & go to work"
His heart was stirred to


So if you're discourged or confused,
just think of that bright star.
Rember what our prophet said
& who you are.


Be constant as the North Star which shines for you & me,
Anchored in the gosplel with pure integrity,
Steadfast in your service to God & fellowman.
President Hinkley has shown us that we can.


Cassi said...

This is a neat song Sydney, thanks for sharing it with me!