Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mr. adorable is here!!!!!!!!

Josh and "daddy Baby"
Cute "oooh" Weston!

"More baby" as Josh would say!

cute in a diaper!

3 days old!

I shouldn't brag, but...

Cute in pink & brown!
pretty cute naked too!

She's pueny!

Having fun with her dad!


lookin darlin in her carseat!!!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yea! New 10 pound baby!

Finally he came! I'm so exited to go visit them the 28th! I miss Josh so much! He's just the cutest dang thing isn't he? He can talk so well now, and I feel like I'm missing all of it!
Cameron, Bodie, Carlee, Josh, Jocelyn, Weston!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!
When I tell my friends that I have six nieses & nephews, alot of them dont't believe me.